Iròa – Journey to Amalaò
3D adventure puzzle game
What is Iròa ?
Iròa – Journey to Amalào is a puzzle adventure RPG that chronicles the quest of the protagonist, Iròa, as they embark on a search for their missing mother. This journey leads them through four distinct lands and cultures, torn apart by conflict, which ultimately led to her disappearance. Armed with their parents’ old travel backpack and memories shared by various individuals and creatures encountered along the way, Iròa follows the trail left by their mother a decade ago.

Our Team
Iròa was created by our small four-person team for our diploma thesis. Currently, the game is a work in progress, with ongoing development and refinement.
My Part
My primary responsibilities during development included creating the soundtrack and sound design – which also served as the focal point of my diploma thesis, as the joint conception, implementation and design of the game.
Since the sound design and the implementation in an interactive game environment took up most of my work, I also programmed and learnt a lot about the middleware in the game in my private life.
At my final presentation, the leitmotif of the main character was introduced and our project was allowed to be presented for 1 month at an exhibition with a playable version.

Our Message
Leaving your comfort zone, talking to new people, slowly experiencing more and more of the world is a significant part of growing up. Discovering your own path of life is exciting though challenging – nevertheless leaving your home, your school, your family and your childhood for your first “big journey” with numerous opportunities and countless obstacles is, even as scary as it sounds, what everybody dreams about happening one day.
With our whole team starting to realize what the approaching end of our high school life will mean and having to look for a future path, it’s been a topic that has been present in all our minds.
Ultimately our wish for the game is for people to have fun playing it and if even one person can relate to Iròas’ journey and see themselves just a little bit as a hero too, well then we have reached everything a young role- play-adventure-game-creating-team could hope for.